I am Muruges

Problem Solver

I am an undergraduate with experience in Software Engineering & Full Stack Development.
I have a budding interest in Artificial Intelligence and CyberSecurity as well.
Feel free to contact me.

About Me

What do I do ?

I am currently a Computer Science undergraduate at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I have a long-standing interest with computers and anything tech related. Till date, I have obtained substantial experience by taking on a number of different projects and tackling a variety of roles with different responsibilities. These opportunities have allowed me to develop a unique and transferable skill set that I am confident will be valuable to any company.

  • Software Engineering
  • Front-End Development
  • Back-End Development


Currently, I am looking for new opportunities to work and upgrade myself, in addition to being involved in an organization that believes in gaining a competitive edge and giving back to the community. I am looking for avenues to gain more work experience and am open to engineering, developer or even machine learning related roles.



  • 2018 (August-Now)

    Software Engineer Intern

    Wonder Workshop

    Working as a front-end software intern at the San Mateo office of Wonder Workshop.

    Roles and responsibilities:

    Key Learning Points:

    • Have become much more familiar with build processes and building a new prototype project from scratch in a short period of time to validate with consumers and iterate.
    • At the same time, I have learnt to manage larger codebases and older software.
    • Have become extremely comfortable with Typescript and React.
    • Learnt how sprints work and got first hand experience with making regular software releases and fixing bugs.
    • Learnt how software engineering occurs in startups at a much higher level with product managers, engineers, QA leads, sales etc.
    • Still learning new things everyday!
  • 2018 (January-August)

    Full Stack Intern


    Worked again with Learnseeker as they rebranded and were looking to redesign their website and improve the management of records in their backend server.

    Roles and responsibilities:

    • Helped to reorganize the records currently being stored in their backend.
    • Improved functionality for searching of specific records and for sending specific information for use in the frontend.
    • Designed the carousel, listing of tutors and the individual tutor profile on their website.

    Key Learning Points:

    • Learnt to use Ruby, Ruby on Rails, ActiveAdmin and PostgreSQL when improving the backend.
    • Picked up ReactJS, JQuery and Bootstrap when creating different components in the frontend.
    • Learnt how it was to work in a startup with under 10 employees as they went through a rebranding phase.
  • 2017 (August-December)

    Worked as a teaching assistant for one of the foundational CS courses taught in our school for the semester.

    Roles and responsibilities:

    • Conducted weekly tutorial sessions for a group of 8 CS Freshmen, to reinforce fundamental concepts taught in lectures.
    • Carefully mentored these students and worked through their queries via regular consultation sessions outside of class.
    • Set and graded assignments for the students.
    • Helped to create programming contests for students to attempt and processed their submissions via many self-written scripts.

    Key Learning Points:

    • Learnt to be able to adapt to many new technologies and languages on the go (Markdown, XML, Latex).
    • Got to experience working in a big team for the first time for a tech related project and learnt more about the git feature branch workflow.
    • Learnt more about my own capabilities and just how much responsiblity I could actually manage at one go.
  • 2017 (May-August)

    Android App Developer


    Together with my partner Herald, Yu Hong, we helped to design an Android App for a local startup called DingleTutors (now called, Learnseeker) as part of the program Orbital. The app was aimed to be a companion app for tutors registered with DingleTutors, to make it easier for tutors to schedule lessons with parents and provide feedback on the progress of their children. We managed to eventually achieve the highest level of achievement following our final poster presentation.

    Key Learning Points:

    • Learnt how to use Android Studio and in general learn how to create Android Applications.
    • Learnt more about designing software keeping in mind the client's requests regarding what they want in our software.
  • 2016 (March-June)

    IT Support Intern

    361 Degree Consultancy

    Interned as a IT Support and as an understudy to the administrator of the company's servers.

    Roles and responsibilities:

    • Placed in charge of carrying out onsite installation of software sold by our company.
    • Helped setup local file-sharing networks for the clients if necessary and provide client support via TeamViewer, phone calls or going on site.
    • Acted as an administrator for the company's server.

    Key Learning Points:

    • Learnt to be quick on my feet and be able to tackle problems spontaneously as they come.
    • Learnt a great deal about the network stack and setup of Remote Desktop Connection on Windows Computers.
    • Learnt more about the common pain points of the consumer when using a software and kept this in mind when designing my own software later on.


  • 2016-Present

    Bachelor degree certificate

    BComp(Hons) in Computer Science, National University of Singapore (NUS)

    Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and will expect to complete my course in 2020.

  • 2008-2013

    NUS High School Diploma

    High Distinction with Honours in Math and Chemistry, Majors in Physics and Economics, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science

    Conducted an Advanced Research Project as a team of 2
    Title: Self-assembly in coordination chemistry


Software Engineering


Front-End Development


Database Management


Back-End Development


Machine Learning


Linux OS


Language Proficiencies




Learnseeker website (Ongoing)




Dingletutors android app